Readjusting Child Custody and Visitation Arrangements for Teens


If you go through a Pasadena divorce when your child is young, he or she will likely cooperate with whatever child custody and visitation arrangements you and your ex agree on. Young children are notorious for their ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

When your child hits the teen years, however, all bets are off. A daughter who once readily packed her bags to spend the weekend at dad's house may now refuse to cooperate because she'd rather go shopping with her friends or see a movie with her boyfriend. A son who used to tell his mother everything, may make threats to run away to his father's house whenever he doesn't like his mother's attempts at discipline.

Teenagers, even those with happily married parents, go through a rebellious phase as a normal part of building their adult identity. Unfortunately, the extra stress that comes with being a part of two separate households can aggravate your child's normal teen rebellion.

If your teen seems unhappy with current living arrangements, don't be afraid to reconsider your previous child custody and visitation agreement. Try to sit down with your teen and your ex to work out an arrangement that everyone can live with. For example, if your teen wants to keep Friday nights open for dating or hanging out with friends, perhaps visitation with the non-custodial parent can be moved to another night. Teens with divorced parents are happiest when they feel like they are respected members of the family and not pawns in a power struggle between their parents.

How Can We Help?

If you are in need of assistance with a child custody or visitation issue, please call our office at (626) 683-8113 or email us at Our team of skilled Pasadena family law lawyers is eager to help you come to an arrangement that will best serve the needs of both you and your child.
