The decision to end a marriage is never an easy one, and many considerations must be faced by all those involved. Pasadena divorce lawyers know that while every divorce is different, there are several themes that frequently come up when a couple is ending their marriage.
Legal forum Avvo recently released the results of a survey regarding the top issues of concern for divorcing couples. For couples who did not have children together, the main concerns were:
- The cost of divorce - 58%
- Property division - 42%
- The length of time a divorce would take - 27%
- Paying or receiving alimony - 22%
Couples with children reported similar concerns, although they stated that child custody issues were their top concern during their divorce.
Even though cost is a concern for the majority of divorcing spouses, it appears that most still believe it is best to enlist the help of an attorney during their divorce. Avvo found that 65% of survey respondents used an attorney to file for divorce, while 35% either represented themselves or used a DIY divorce service.
Having qualified legal representation costs more upfront, but can pay for itself in terms of gaining a more favorable property division or spousal support settlement. If you have children, an attorney can make sure that their interests are protected throughout the process. Divorce attorneys can also make sure that all papers are filed in a timely fashion, thus eliminating delays in the process due to misplaced or missing paperwork.
If you are worried about the cost of your legal representation, you can save money by obtaining some of the necessary documents on your own or by using a divorce mediator to hash out a settlement that your attorney can finalize.
How Can We Help?
Please call our office at (626) 683-8113 or email us at if you have questions about the California divorce process. Our family law firm in Pasadena can provide the assistance you need to move on to the next chapter of your life.