Social Networking Posts Can Have Real-Life Consequences for Your Divorce


If you're a regular user of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social networking sites, Pasadena divorce lawyers caution that anything you post on these sites can be used as evidence in your case.

If you're claiming that you can't afford to pay alimony or that your child support payments should be reduced, posts that feature frivolous purchases can be very damaging. One recent case resulted in a father’s claim for reduced child support being denied after he was found to have posted pictures of himself on a cruise, and driving a Ferrari, and talking about how he made a hefty profit from the sale of land that he owned. If your case is still open, mentions of jewelry or other expensive gifts to a new love interest may land you in hot water for improper use of marital assets.

If you’re seeking to spend more time with your children, anything that casts doubt on your parenting skills should be avoided. One woman recently lost her case for increased parenting time after she posted pictures of herself smoking marijuana when she had previously denied use of the substance. A man’s membership advertising himself as single and childless turned out to be quite damaging to his quest to win primary custody of his children after his divorce.

Do not assume that careful use of social networking privacy settings will protect you. A mutual friend or acquaintance could easily pass along a screenshot of the offending post. Your spouse may be accessing your posts through your child’s social networking account. Sometimes, a spouse will even go so far as to create a fake online profile for the express purpose of spying on your activities.

How Can We Help?

If you are in need of legal representation during your divorce, please call our office at (626) 683-8113 or email us at Our matrimonial law firm in Pasadena has experience dealing with a variety of divorce-related concerns, including the distribution of marital property, spousal support, child support, and child custody.
