What Is the Role of a Family Court Judge?


In a Pasadena divorce, the Family Court Judge is responsible for resolving any issues that you and your spouse are unable to work out by yourselves or through mediation. This may include property division, spousal support, child custody, visitation, and child support concerns.

The judge is not there to provide counseling services or to listen to you vent your anger about your spouse. Since the advent of no-fault divorce laws, the exact reason for your divorce is generally irrelevant in terms of working out the details of your settlement.

Family Court judges are experienced attorneys who have been either elected or appointed to their position as judges. They handle a variety of issues relating to the legal of needs of families, including paternity claims, guardianship, adoption, and the emancipation of minors. Family Court cases do not involve a jury, so the judge is solely responsible for the final ruling.

Judges must follow the letter of the law when dividing property in a divorce. California is a community property state, which means assets obtained during the marriage belong to both parties equally unless they are gifts, inheritances, or specifically set aside in a valid prenuptial agreement.

When it comes to issues involving children, the judge’s top priority is determining the best interests of the child. The judge is not taking sides with you or your spouse. The only concern is what solution is best in terms of your child’s health and well being.

Judges realize that divorce is a stressful experience, but you are still expected to follow accepted courtroom protocols. Keep your temper under control. Speak only when spoken to. Do not address the judge unless you have been asked a direct question. If you have a question for your attorney, whisper that you need time to discuss an issue or discreetly slip him a note about your concerns.

How Can We Help?

Please call our office at (626) 683-8113 or email us at info@PasadenaLawOffice.com if you are in need of legal representation during your divorce. Our Pasadena family law lawyers are eager to advocate for your interests throughout the divorce process.
