What Should I Do If My Spouse Injures Me?


Unfortunately, a contested divorce in Pasadena often brings out the worst in people. Even a normally mild mannered spouse can turn angry and aggressive when settlement talks go wrong. But the real concern lies with a spouse who already has a history of violence. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence lists filing for divorce as a common trigger of partner aggression.

If a confrontation between you and your spouse turns physical, call the police immediately. The police can contact an on-call judicial officer to request an Emergency Protective Order on your behalf. This document, also called an EPO, legally prohibits your spouse from coming within a certain distance of you. The EPO can also grant custody of any minor children you may have together, if needed.

An EPO is only a short-term solution, however. The EPO remains in effect for five court days or seven calendar days. If you need a longer-term restraining order, you need to file for a Temporary Restraining Order or TRO.

If appropriate, you can file criminal charges against your spouse. Domestic violence cases may qualify for charges of rape, sexual abuse, stalking, assault, or domestic criminal trespass.

If you have children, you should discuss your spouse’s history of violence with your attorney. A history of violence will affect custody and visitation rights, even if your spouse has never laid a hand on the kids.

Domestic violence is much more common than most of us realize. Your attorney can provide legal guidance, but you can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. The hotline is staffed 24/7 with representatives who are trained to provide free, confidential assistance and referrals to local organizations that can help you move forward after your divorce.

How Can We Help?

If you are in need of legal representation during your divorce, please call our office at (626) 683-8113 or email us at info@PasadenaLawOffice.com. Our team of experienced Pasadena divorce attorneys can discuss your options and help you develop a legal strategy that best addresses your unique situation.
